15. mai 2017

Belle of the Literati

Kom tilfeldig over DENNE bloggen. En litterær rosablogg? Denne skriveføre unge damen er i hvert fall en dyktig blogger, med en meget smakfull og velredigert blogg, og hun legger ikke skjul på at det er underholdningslitteratur hun leser.

This girl ...Loves to read. There are few things more amazing to me than being fully immersed and transported while reading. I love feeling totally out of this world and in another one. I love connecting with characters and finding pieces of myself in them. I love how many different lives and experiences I get to experience just by sitting down and opening up a book. I feel more connected to the world around me when I get to understand other people's thoughts and emotions. I am in love with words, I truly find them magical and really believe that words have the power to change us.

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